Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas

Change in "State" ?
I used to feel very sad while reading about USSR as I thought how bad it was that the largest country of the world was disintegrated. It was later that I realized that USSR was, like our own country, a conglomeration of different ethnic and religious group. It was the demand for "proper recognition" of every group which led to the downfall of the superpower.
In the year 2000, 3 new states were created in India by carving out from some bigger states. The reason was same. "Proper recognition". People supporting Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal and Jharkhand believed that they have many cultural differences with Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar respectively. I don't know the real reason but whatever it was, I was happy because creation of these 3 states made Rajasthan the largest state of India, area wise (earlier it was M.P.)
Years passed and after my graduation from Rajasthan, I left Rajasthan and for doing MBA I went to Hyderabad. Hyderabad, so far is the best city I have seen. It is believed that as a student of Management, you are supposed to know a lot.When I started following the local news there I came to know of the demand for "Telangana" region. At that time I was aware that the main reason for this movement is what they called "insufficient/improper representation/recognition of telangana people". Not a big deal, there were such similar demands already popular in various parts of the country, so who cares.
Now let me tell you something I know about this issue, from mythology point of view. In the Hindu epic Mahabharata, there is a separate mention of Telangana and Andhra. The pandava Sahadeva is supposed to have defeated Telinga (Telanagana) and Andhraka (Andhra) tribes during his quest for the Rajasuya Vagya of his elder brother Yudhishthira.But if we consider the epic to be the source of our demands then we would end up with an enormously disintegrated country as we had Jaipur, Alwar and Ajmer(Pushkara) as separate kingdoms that time. In that case We may head for another Kurukshetra war!
But, coming back to Telangana issue.2 years back I came to Karnataka and by now I have a fair idea of the lifestyle of South India and I want to share this with you that I am so proud to be an Indian ! We have so much diversity, so much ethnic varieties. Our diversity is 100 times more complex than that of USSR. Of course disintegration of USSR has no relation to the demands in India. But consequences may be the same.
Recently government approved the creation of Telangana because the leader of Telangana people was on a hunger strike. Student agitation was on run and situation was getting worsen. So our government Okayed Telanga... But that decision received harsh criticism and is followed by similar demands from different states.
The people demanding Telangana or any other state should first look at the outcome of such decision. Bihar was considered backward. Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar. Now both Bihar and Jharkhand are considered to be backward states. There is no difference in lifestyles and people living below povery line in Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh. We don't talk about development here. We don't talk about uplifting life standard of people here. What we have done has simply increased the number of states in the country in GK Books and have made more atlas books obsolete. There is a change in state but there is no change in "state" of people. We demand for proper recognition of our ethnic group but we keep forgetting that India is not about separate recognitions, India is about unified representation.

People raising such demands must understand the pain our great leaders like Sardar Patel had gone through to accumulate, unite and strengthen this great country of ours. We already have lots of issues to look at, more important ones, so please don't flood such demands. The mere happiness of a child, after knowing that his state is now area wise the largest, can be sacrificed for greater good.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Power of words (contd.)
(2) Putting out fire (Catpeople) David Bowie's famous number "Putting out fire with gasoline" was used in a movie Catpeople long back. Bowie sang a new version of the song for the 1982 remake of the same movie. This recreated song has been used by Quentin Tarantino in his new movie "Inglorious Basterds". Tarantino's movies are known for great music. But in this new flick the only song that caught my attention was this number by David Bowie, may be because I already have this song from the 1982 Catpeople movie. The music and the lyrics both are fascinating and above all the voice of David Bowie. In the movie Catpeople (1982), during the opening credits the theme music from this song is played and that is equally scintillating. I have put both the numbers here. Listen and enjoy.
the opening credits track
the main track
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Navadurga: The nine divine forms of Durga
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Swaraj: a Look at Indian Revolutionaries
There were lot lot more. Its both fun and exciting to know about such great heroes of our country who thought above caste and religion and fought for one nation. We, youths must take inspiration from these legendary figures. Long Live their glory!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fear of the Unknown
This was the plot of 1965 hindi movie "Gumnaam". This movie became a legend and most importantly its title song, which is still one of the most famous songs of Hindi cinema. The genre of GUmnaam was thriller, however, the title song puts it into the genre of horror films as well.
It was I guess the first time when the Indian film makers realized that fear factor can be created by introducing an unknown entity in the story line. This practise is not so strictly followed in Hollywood as well. But as and when this formula was used it has proved successful.
If that is the case then why Ram Gopal Verma's Agyaat failed? This movie deals with a horrifying unknown entity right from the start of horror element in the movie. Why Agyaat failed to leave any impact on the viewers? Ofcourse you cant blame acting as acting is the least important thing in such movies.
His last film "RGV ki Aag" was a pathetic disaster and he himself accepted that it was an over experimentation.
Lets come to Agyaat. This film tells the story of a film crew which comes for shooting in a desolated woods far away from the city. There, because of some camera failure, the crew is left to spend some time in the jungle, and they decide to go deep into the jungle. That night they see a strange star falling from the sky (its not shown to the viewers) and after that they find themselves lost in the jungle and in continuous threat from an unknown entity who comes from nowhere and drags them one by one into the jaws of death. Nobody could see this killer nor understand its motive. They just know that there is some unknown entity, definitely not human, which is killing them all one by one. In the end only the hero heroine of the movie survive (typical hindi movie formula) and they somehow escape far away from that jungle.
Now there were lots of 'jhols' (loop holes) in the movie which could have been looked into. Okay, you are fascinated by the idea of some unknown 'thing' killing the characters of your story one by one; it seems a great idea. But you have created such an image of the unknown killer that you are not able to show in the end exactly what was that 'thing'? The film ends with the dialogues: "Sab marr gaye" (Everybody is dead)
Anyway, that might also be a kind of experimentation that RGV desired to do. This could also have been a success. In the film they show that the lone survivors, i.e. the lead couple use their "brain" to find out that the "Agyaat" fears water. This idea could have been explored and they could have shown that these people by applying their ideas somehow defeat that "thing" without seeing it. Then it would have been a good movie.Or else atleast they should have shown the reason as to why this thing is killing them all.

Gumnaam, in the end they found out that killer was one of those 8 people.
- Stephen King's "IT"; in which a bunch of kids destroy an evil entity which does not have any name. They call it "IT". IT appears before them in the guise of an evil clown which became popular as "Pennywise". These kids destroy this IT not once but twice. This famous novel of Stephen King has been adapted into a successful movie and a very famous Hindi TV Serial "Woh".
- "The Friday the 13th" series. Its one of the most famous film series based on "terror in the woods" theme. A killer named Jason comes back from the dead and kills some unfortunate youths who come for a vacation in the famous "Camp Crystal Lake".
- "The Blair Witch Project" In my opinion this is the best movie based on the theme which RGV thought Agyaat is based on. Three students go on an expedition to find out the truth about a mountain known to be haunted by witches. In this film also they never show what was the thing which is terryfying them throughout the movie and in the end everybody die. This is a legendary horror film of Hollywood.
Agyaat seem to be inspired by lots of movies like the above mentioned ones. But even then it fails because RGV forgot the basic rule of horror movies "If something scares you, its not necessary that it'll scare someone else too"
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Zodiac Signs
- ARIES: Phrixos and his sister Helle were twins. They were children of Zeus, the king of Gods. Their step mother Ino hated them. She roasted the seeds of local farmers so th ecrops would not grow. She also bribed the man who was sent to an Oracle by the farmers. The man declared that if Phrixos and Helle are kiled, crops can be saved. Both twins were thrown in the river. But they were rescued by a golden Ram sent by their natural mother Nephele. The golden ram was then made a constellation known as “Aries”.
- TAURUAS: Europa was a magnificient Phoenician princess. Zeus was enamored of Europa and decided to seduce or ravish her. He transformed himself into a tame white bull and mixed in with her father’s herds. While Europa and her female attendants were gathering flower, she saw the bull, caressed his flanks, and eventually got onto his back. Zeus took that opportunity and rail to the sea and swam, with her on his back, to the island of Crete. He then revealed his true identity, and Europa became the first queen of Crete. The bull form of Zeus was raised to become a constellation known as “Taurus”.
- GEMINI: Castor and Pollux were twin sons of Tyndareus and Zeus respectively. The name of their mother was Leda. Pollux was immortal while Castor was mortal. They defeated a famous king Theseus. They were also arch enemies of their cousins Idas and Lynecus (twins). Idas and Lynecus cheated them once by not giving them their share of cattle which they all raided at Areadin. Castor and Pollux took revenge by abducting the cattle of Idas and Lynecus. In the meantime, Paris, prince of Troy kidnapped their sister Helen and this event finally led to the famous Trojan war of Troy. And the two sets of twins fought with each other and Castor was mortally wounded. POllus kiled Lynecus and Zeus killed Idas. Pollux, when given choice by his father Zeus, gev half of his immortality to his dying brother Castor. The brothers became part of the stellar constellation called “Gemini”
- CANCER: Hercules was a greek hero, who was given twelve difficult tasks to finish. One of them was to fight with a monstrous Hydra. While Hercules was busy fighting the multi headed Hydra, the goddess Hera, who did not like Hercules sent a crab called “cancer” to distract him. Cancer grabbed onto the hero’s toe with its claws, but barely breaking the rhythm of his great battle with the Hydra. Hercules crushed the crab under his foot. Hera, grateful for the little crustacean’s heroic but pitiful effort, gave it a place in the sky and the crab became a constellation known as “Cancer”
- LEO: Out of the twelve difficult tasks assigned to the greek hero Hercules, one was to slay the Nemean Lion and to bring back its skin. Hercules wandered the areas until he came upon the town of Cleonae. While he was looking for the lion, he made arrowsto use against it, not knowing that it was impervious. When he found the lion, he started shooting arrows but the lion would not die. After sometime Hercules made the lion return to his cave. The cave had two entrance one of which Hercules blocked; he then entered the other. Becuase of the fact that the lion’s skin was impenetrable, Hercules was forced to stun the lion with his club, before proceeding to strangle it. He then used lion’s own claws to cut off its pelt. When he returned, the King was shocked. He gave Hercules the lion’s invincible pelt to wear as a cloak. The Nemean Lion was raised to the sky to become a constellation called “Leo”
- VIRGO: Astrea was a daughter of Zeus and Themis. She and her mother were both personifications of justice. Astrea, the celestial virgin, was the last of the immortals to live with humans during the Iron Age, the final stage in the world’s disintegration from the utopion Golden Age. Fleeing from the new wickedness of humanity, she ascended to heaven to become the constellation “Virgo”
- LIBRA: Astraea, the celestial virgin, was the last of the immortals to live with humans during the Iron Age, the final stage in the world’s disintegration from the utopian Golden Age. Fleeing from the new wickedness of humanity, she ascended to heaven and the scales of justice she carried became the constellation “Libra”, reflected in her symbolic association with Justitia
- SCORPIO: Orion was a powerful greek hunter. Goddess Eos invited him to spend the night with her and he happily accepted but later bragged of the conquest and also boasted that he was such a magnificent hunter, that he would exterminate all of the wild beasts of the Earth. Apollo (God of the Sun, who was responsible for guarding herds) persuaded goddess Gaia, to send a giant scorpion with impenetrable armor to sting Orion until the hunter was dead. The scorpion succeeded and was raised to sky to become a constellation “Scorpio”.
- SAGITTARIUS: Chiron was a centuar and a skilled bowman। He was intelligent, civilized and kind. He was immortal and known for his knowledge and skill with medicine. He was said to be the last centaur and highly revered as a teacher and tutor. When Hercules went to his friend Pholus’s cave and both of them drank the divine wine, many centuars including Chiron, intoxicated by the smell of the wine, attacked the cave. Hercules shot poisonous arrows at them. Chiron was wounded. Chiron, the master of the healing arts, could not heal himself, so he willingly gave up his immortality. He was honoured with a place in the sky as constellation “Sagittarius”
- CAPRICORN: Amalthea was a goat that suckled the infant Zeus after his mother Rhea saved him from being devoured by his father Cronos। The goat's broken horn was transformed into the cornucopia or horn of plenty. Amalthea was given place in sky as the constellation “Capricorn”
- AQUARIUS: Ganymede was a divine hero whose homeland was Troy। He was a Trojan prince। Ganymede was the most handsome among mortals, by reason of which he was abducted by Zeus in the form of an eagle to serve as cupbearer to the gods and as Zeus' beloved. Being associated with the Eagle (Aquila), Ganymede was raised in the sky as constellation “Aquarius”
- PISCES: Aphrodite was the greek goddess of love and beauty. Her son Eros is popularly known as the “cupid”. Both mother and son, transformed into fishes, in order to escape the monstrous Typhon when he attacked to destroy Zeus. They tied together with a cord on their tails, to make sure they do not lose one another. This form of the mother and son was raised to sky to become a constellation known as “Pisces”.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Adobe Illustrator: Working with Live Trace and Layers (for novices)
Here I am presenting the procedure I followed to digitize and color a simple sketch originally drawn by blue ball pen, in Adobe Illustrator. This is the original pen sketch, I sketched in my free time in my office.
To tell you the story behind the sketch: There was a prince in Mahabharata named Vasudeva who was married to a royal maiden Devaki. The uncle of Vasudeva, Sini, pleased with the decision of Devaki to marry Vasudeva, placed both of them in his chariot. There was another warrior Somdatta who was competing for the hand of Devaki. He challenged Sini for a fight. Both of them fought and ultimately Somdatta was defeated, and Sini placed foot on his chest and thus disgraced him in public.
So I have drawn these four characters whom I'll color in Illsutrator such that the beauty of original sketch is not gone.
1. Import the original Sketch:Original sketch can be imported by scanning. I have simply clicked a pic of my sketch with digital camera and have copied it to my laptop. Now open Illustrator and import the sketch by going to File> Open. It looks like this.
This is the way I use graphic tablet
The output pic looks like this.

Another way is not to use Tracing option at all. Use instead the original sketch as a template layer and manually trace the outlines using a brush. This is more common and popular method. An exmple of the same: